For the Chocolate Lover, the Chocoholic, the Chocolate Fiend in your life.
Treat them to "The Chocolatier" for a true chocolate experience or "The Apprentice" for a delicious taster bite.
The Chocolatier:
Bennetts Berry Bark
Bennetts Choc Bars 60gmx x 2
Bennetts Milk Choc Bar 90gms
The Cookie Co. Cookies.
Gather & Graze Choc Almonds
Gather & Graze Sea Salt Choc Caramels
Trio of Hearts
Charlotte Piper White Choc Sprinkles Bar
The Apprentice:
Bennetts Chocolate bar 70gms
Bennetts CHoc Bark
Gather & Graze Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels
Charlotte PIper White Choc Sprinkles
The Cookie Co. Cookies
A live stream of comments from recent customers and the actual photos of their orders.